
Recent posts

Stephen and Adrienne are about to board a flight to Las Vegas to check things out with an eye to the future! If you're in Vegas for WPPI and would like to meet up, send us an email and we'll see what we can work out. They do have meetings lined up, but they'd love to talk if they can make it happen! Every year we run deals over the trade show season, though, and this year we have something for everyone, so here goes: • 40% off sample albums, books and boxes: Quote Code SMP40 when ordering. • 10% off full price production orders for Flushmount albums only: To View More >>

Come along to The Baby Summit in Brisbane, Australia, and make sure to visit the Queensberry stand! We've got a bunch of brand new samples, so you'll be one of the first to see our latest products. This framed, floating torn-edge fine-art circular print will be on display, as well as other wall art, book and album options. There's also an extensive list of presenters and many other vendors attending. The three-day event takes place on the 22nd, 23rd & 24th September in Brisbane Queensland at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre. To register, visit The To View More >>

If you haven't seen our brand new frames, you need to take a look! They've got away to a cracking start since we launched them. But you might be wondering — How can I show frames online without spending heaps on samples? Which ones should I offer? What would they look like with my photographs? The answer? Our new stock image templates for frames. They're free to use anywhere you're selling. Download our PSD layouts, insert your own imagery and you'll have a virtual product complete with your own photography. Our stock templates To View More >>

Ever since digital replaced film as the photographers’ tool of choice, there’s been a rapid rise in reported cases of Photographer’s Herd Instinct Disease (PHID). Like other herd behaviors (buffalo grazing, people drinking Kool-Aid®, etc.) the symptoms of PHID include needing to hang out with the rest of the herd, think the same thoughts and do the same things. PHID is viral and highly contagious, and affects wedding and portrait photographers in particular. Although often transmitted through direct photographer-to-photographer contact, recent studies suggest that To View More >>

It's that time of year again! Time to spend with family and friends, take stock of the year been, and look forward to the year ahead. With that in mind, you'll be wanting to know how to ensure your clients receive their albums by December. To keep stress levels low, we recommend sticking to the timeline outlined below. So here goes... We close at 3.30pm on Friday 22nd December 2017. We re-open at 8am Monday 8th January 2018. We're opening earlier than usual in 2018 to allow enough time for sample orders for February trade shows. Using our free album design service? We'll To View More >>
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